Kim has been feeling better lately, thanks to pills. It’s crazy what pregnant women can’t take!
Cravings: Fruit
Possible Baby Names: Falcor, Elmer
Kim has been feeling better lately, thanks to pills. It’s crazy what pregnant women can’t take!
Cravings: Fruit
Possible Baby Names: Falcor, Elmer
We went to Golden Corral as an early Mothers Day meal. Kim enjoyed the marshmallows. Not to bad nausea.
Cravings: watermelon
Baby names: Ting, Isabela
Feels so far away for me to meet my kid!
Cravings: Ice cream, sleep
Baby names: Lazarus, lapis Lazuli
We are on the last day of our vacation. Day one we drove up to Amarillo, ate at an amazing barbecue place in Sweetwater, Texas called Big Boys Barbecue for lunch and had some prime rib at the Big Texan Ranch Steak House for dinner.