May 30

We saw X-Men Apocalyspe on Saturday.  It was so much better than I expected.  Kim cried at the sad part!
Cravings:  Mango pieces
Baby names:  Bosch

May 27

I’m super excited to see the new Netflix Adam Sandler movie The Do-Over tonight.  Is Adam Sandler bad for the baby?  Probably.  This is the post when the kid is fifteen and fucking up in school that I’ll look back on and be all “damn, why did I watch that with Kim while it was in her stomach?”  Curse you, Adam Sandler!
Cravings:  More fruit, so much dried fish!
Baby names:  Sandler, Sandles, Candles, Kindle

May 19

Kim made the best adobo yesterday.  It’s all I could talk about today.  She’s not feeling well, so she’s been sleeping since after dinner
Cravings:  Lime and salt (no tequila!).

Names:  Woodrow, Lazarus, lapis Lazuli

May 17

Thanks to Danny coming over on Saturday, Kim wanted Bushs chicken which I had to bring home today.  Good food so I can’t really bitch!

Cravings:  Chicken with hot sauce, ice

Baby names:  Penelope, Abigail.

May 14

Kim wonders why she has to pee all night long!  #85ozbladder!

Kim asked me nicely to take her to Sari-Sari in the pouring rain so she could eat Dinuguan and order Kare-Kare to go.  My food was not good, but the Calamares was!

Cravings:  Dinuguan, Kare-Kare

Baby names:  Jennessy, Lilly!

May 10

Kim has been feeling better lately, thanks to pills.  It’s crazy what pregnant women can’t take!
Cravings:  Fruit

Possible Baby Names:  Falcor, Elmer